Modern Slavery Policy

Home Decor GB Ltd take a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and we are committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business dealings and relationships and to implementing effective systems and controls to ensure modern slavery is not taking place anywhere in our own business or in any of our supply chains. We are also committed to ensuring there is transparency in our own business and in our approach to tackling modern slavery throughout our supply chains, consistent with our disclosure obligations under the Modern Slavery Act 2015. We expect the same high standards from all of our contractors, consultants, suppliers and other business partners, and expect our supply chain to impose the same standards on their own supply chain.

This policy applies to all persons working for any part of the Home Decor group of companies or on our behalf in any capacity and within any part of our business units, including employees at all levels, directors, agency workers,  volunteers and our supply chain including all sub-contractors, consultants, service providers, and any other agents, third party representatives and business partners. Home Decor are a member of Sedex which is an organisation used to manage social and ethical standards in the supply chain. A Key performance indicator is compliance with the Sedex SAQ and this also forms the basis for our Risk Assessment. We encourage all our suppliers and contractors to become a member of Sedex.

Home Decor will communicate this policy to all employees and suppliers to ensure compliance, so far as we are reasonable able, to prevent modern slavery from occurring and carry out any training for relevant personnel as required. Home Decors’ HR department will carry out document checks on all potential employees to ensure they are legally allowed to work in the UK in accordance with the Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006.

Any activity which could lead to or suggest a breach of this policy is strictly prohibited. It is the responsibility for all those that either work for Home Decor or are under our control to ensure the prevention, detection and reporting of any possible breaches of this policy.

Home Decor encourage openness and transparency and any person that raises a genuine concern in good faith under this policy will be supported by the business, even if they turn out to be mistaken. We will investigate all genuine concerns which are raised in connection with this policy and our employees are encouraged to act without any fear of reprisal. If an employee believes or suspects that there has been a breach of this policy, or a breach may occur in the future, they must notify their line manager in the first instance. Home Decor will do everything it can to protect the confidentiality if this has been requested by an employee. Following an internal investigation, Home Decor may decide to alert the police. We are committed to ensuring no one suffers any detrimental treatment as a result of reporting in good faith any suspicion they might have. If an employee considers that they have suffered any such treatment, then they should inform the HR Department immediately.

Any employee found to be in breach of this Policy will face disciplinary action, which could result in dismissal for misconduct or gross misconduct. Any claims or allegations which are found to be malicious or vexatious will result in disciplinary action being taken against the individual. We may terminate our relationship with other individuals and organisations working on our behalf if they are found to be breach this policy.

The board of directors of Home Decor have overall responsibility for ensuring that this policy complies with the Groups’ legal and ethical obligations, and that all those under our control comply with it. Management at all levels within our business are responsible for ensuring that those reporting to them understand and comply with this policy and are given adequate communication on it. This policy and the risk assessment in the Risks & Opportunities matrix are reviewed annually.

A copy of this statement can be provided on request within 30 days.

Jason Limbert
Chief Executive Officer
April 2024